Our Schools for the Himalaya program gives school communities in Australia and other countries a wonderful opportunity to discover and learn about student life in remote and mountainous Himalayan communities, whilst also providing practical support for a school in the region.
Under the program, Australian schools raise funds to provide vitally needed basic facilities and educational resources to a school in this remote and very poor part of the world.
‘Schools for the Himalaya is a wonderful practical, charity project for your whole school community – students, parents, families and teachers.
It is satisfying and deeply rewarding to provide specific and much-needed assistance that you know will continue to reach more students every year. Teacher training, student support, educational equipment and amenities such as toilet facilities, whiteboards and simple furniture.
These are items we take for granted, but are sadly lacking in these remote schools.’
– Barbara Hall, founder of AHF’s Schools for the Himalaya program.
The program links Aussie schools with schools in the Himalaya and provides a genuine opportunity for cultural exchange and dialogue, and the opportunity to build a strong and lasting relationship with school communities in the region.
The Program provides the opportunity for:
There are also opportunities for Aussie schools to visit these schools virtually (and physically when feasible) to develop deeper relationships and witness first-hand the impact of your support and the effectiveness of our educational programs. If your school is interested in becoming part of our Schools for the Himalaya program, please contact us today.