
Teenage guardian turned stellar student

A remarkable teenager named Ram lives in a remote village in Solukhumbu, Nepal. At just 15, he shoulders responsibility beyond his years, serving as the guardian for his two younger siblings, following the death of their father, and abandonment by their mother.

Currently in Year 9, Ram* juggles his education with household chores, looking after his siblings and agricultural work. During the rainy season he is forced to skip school to manage the demanding workload in the fields to ensure his family’s livelihood.

Recognising the family’s hardship, alongside Ram’s dreams of further education, our partner, REED Nepal quickly intervened. They provided Ram with financial assistance in the form of a scholarship to allow him to concentrate on his studies, rather than mostly on agricultural work.

Guidance from his school Principal sparked a transformation. Ram committed to his studies and began attending school regularly. With this focus and support, his academic performance greatly improved. He now also helps his younger siblings with their school work – ensuring that they too have brighter futures ahead.

This project is delivered in partnership with the Australian Government through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) and with support from our generous donors. 

Learn more about our Education Program.

*Child’s name has been changed to protect his privacy.