

AHF’s Himalayan Art Award was established in 2008 to help share the rich cultural heritage of the Himalaya. It was designed to provide support for emerging artists across the Himalayan region. It also supports young artists across the region who would otherwise struggle to find the resources to express their talent. The award provides financial support for a period of one year for emerging artists to produce a body of work.

Generally, at the conclusion of the year, this work exhibits at Siddhartha Art Gallery in Kathmandu. The artist receives the profit of the sales. In return, the chosen artist commits to donating one major and one minor artwork to AHF. The works may then be used as auction items at AHF events in Australia. AHF designates the funds for future awards, creating a sustainable arts program.


You can read more about the award, including the history and past recipients, here.


Our Schools for the Himalaya program, gives Australian schools an opportunity to meet students on the other side of the world living a completely different way of life. The program links Aussie schools with schools in the Himalaya and provides a genuine opportunity for cultural exchange and the opportunity to build a strong and lasting relationship with a school in the region.

Schools in Australia are encouraged to raise funds to help improve basic facilities and educational resources. There are also opportunities for Aussie schools to visit these schools and gain firsthand experiences of the effectiveness of our educational programs. If you think your school might be interested in becoming part of our Schools for the Himalaya program, please get in touch.


You can read more about and get involved with Schools for the Himalaya here.


Thanks to your ongoing support and belief in our dedication to the people of the Himalaya, we’re able to improve our program scope and impact exponentially