
AHF’s 12 Days of Mountains – 21st December

Scroll down for today’s gift!

These are just some of the ways AHF is working with communities in Nepal, Bhutan and the Indian Himalaya.

Your donation will help us ensure these great programs continue.

Donate now! Whether it’s $5, $10 or $500, you are helping to change someone’s future.

Today’s Gift!


Today, for International Mountain Day, we present AHF’s Incredibly Hard Himalayan Quiz!

30 questions guaranteed to get your brain fired up and ready for the holiday season. This quiz is a Kahoot. You can either sign up or play as a guest, play solo or gather some friends for trivia together!

For more information on how to play or make Kahoots, here’s a simple video.

Mountain Story of the Day – Purnima


As a teenager, Purnima was a good student. But her family was experiencing financial pressure, and couldn’t afford to keep her in the later years of school.

Purnima’s school alerted our partner REED Nepal to her situation, and AHF was able to bring her into the school support program. Thanks to this support, Purnima was able to stay in school and she studied hard.

After witnessing the devastating earthquakes in Nepal in 2015, Purnima wanted to become an engineer. She gained experience on the AHF Build Nepal Back Better program in 2017 and today she is well into her Engineering course.

When we asked her how she felt about being able to study to be an Engineer, Purnima said “AHF gave me the helping hands to fulfill my dreams”.

Help us write more stories like Purnima’s today!

The Australian Government supports our Teacher Training and Quality Education program through the Australian NGO Cooperation Program (ANCP) #ANCP

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To be in the running for some Himalayan prizes:

Upload your favourite mountain photo and tag us @australianhimalayanfoundation and #12DaysofMountains

Donate to our 12 Days of Mountains fundraising page

Tag a friend who loves the Himalaya – the more people who join in the merrier!

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